Does skipping a payment hurt your credit? | Loan Rescheduling

Your bank or lender approves your loan based on your credit history and credit score. If you have a low credit history/score, then your bank/lender has the right to reject your loan application right away. Good credit is a sign that you have stayed current in your payments, which builds up trust in front of your lenders’ eyes. Skipping on a loan payment can negatively affect your credit history, eventually affecting your credit score. However, you can extend your loan payment date under certain circumstances, which we will take later. First, try your best to make your loan payment on time. Skipping an on-time payment is an indication to your lenders that you are not serious about paying off your debts, or it shows your financial incapability. Your credit score is entirely dependent on your loan repayment history. How severe is missing a payment? A recent late payment will affect your credit score more than an older one. A missed payment can stay up your credit r...