How do you Reschedule a Loan?

There are two types of rescheduling processes available to you. First, you can refinance a loan to lessen the interest you pay. For this, you have to opt for debt refinancing. In this process, you can turn your 30-year loan into 15 years. However, you have to pay more interest against the principal amount every month. Another process is loan rescheduling, in which you can extend your loan tenure or revise your monthly installment to pay less interest monthly. This is ideal for people who want to maintain their credit score without paying late fees or payments. In certain circumstances, people have to change their job, which often takes a toll on their budget. Loan rescheduling allows you to change your due date, giving breathing space to improve your current cash flow. Most banks favor R&R (Rescheduling and Restructuring) as it helps them reduce their non-performing facility portfolio. Besides, it also maximizes their chances of recovering credit. Consequently, it allows them ...